LEGAL EAGLE: It is best to engage with and work with the local authority

A social worker has become involved with my family on a voluntary basis in relation to several concerns they have raised. Do I have to work with them? If not, what are the consequences of not co-operating and engaging?
It is best to engage and co-operate with the local authority to address any concerns they may have so that issues don’t escalate.It is best to engage and co-operate with the local authority to address any concerns they may have so that issues don’t escalate.
It is best to engage and co-operate with the local authority to address any concerns they may have so that issues don’t escalate.

The Local Authority needs to safeguard and promote the welfare of children who are in need or at risk of harm in their area. The Local Authority may have offered Early Help or a Child in Need Plan. This would offer you advice, support, and direct interventions to address any concerns that have been raised.

This involvement is voluntary, but it is best to engage and co-operate with the Local Authority to address any concerns they may have so that issues don’t escalate.

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If you do not engage with the Local Authority or if their concerns grow, their involvement could increase. They may then start an enquiry which may lead to a Child Protection Plan. If this happens, there will be Child Protection Conferences where a decision will be made whether there is a need for the children to be placed on a plan, and if so, create a plan that would address their concerns. This decision is made by the professionals involved to keep your children safe. This involvement is not optional. It is important that you engage with this plan as the Local Authority may consider progressing things further if you do not.

If things do progress further, then the Local Authority may commence the Public Law Outline (PLO) process where they will hold meetings to discuss their concerns and whether there is a need for court action. Unless you take positive steps to address the concerns, the Local Authority will consider making an application to court to issue Care Proceedings to ask the court to make decisions in relation to the children and their care.

The Local Authority should work with you to resolve the concerns and therefore, you should also work with them.

Ben Hoare Bell LLP can advise and support you with each step. For further information please contact Ben Hoare Bell LLP solicitors on 0191 565 3112 or email [email protected]